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Our Group

BIOMICs is a multipidisciplinar Research Group in the University of the Basque Country that develops its research in biosciences at the Lascaray Research Center in the Campus of Álava in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

​The team of BIOMICs is formed by researchers from three different Departments: one full professor, one titular professor, one aggregated professor,  three Ph.D. researchers, seven predoctoral researchers and several master students.

Forensic Genetic Services

  • Kinship analyses

  • Human remains identification (archaeological and Spanish Civil War)


  • Lactose intolerance

Education and outreach

  • Training courses

Ongoing Collaborations


Media and Communication 2018-2022

November 2022

  • Belén Navarro López is doing an oral presentation at the XIV Reunión científica de la Asociación Española de Antropología y Odontología Forense in Alicante, Spain. Her project is the following: "Genes determinantes de la morfología craneofacial y su aplicación al desarrollo del retrato robot molecular".

  • Zientzia Astea - Talleres de "Detective por un dia"; "Soy intolerante a la lactosa?".


September 2022

  • Naukas Kids Bilbao - Taller de "Detective por un dia".

  • Caterina Raffone is doing a poster presentation at the 29th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics in Washington D.C, USA. Her project is the following: "Challenging degradation in genetic identification of missing persons in Spanish Civil War and posterior dictatorship".

June 2022

  • Eva Granizo Rodríguez is doing an oral presentation at the 45th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Her project is the following: "Cystic fibrosis modifier genes and bacterial infections in spanish patients".

March 2022


February 2022


January 2022

  • Caterina Raffone is doing a doctoral internship at the DNA laboratory of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) in The Hague (Holanda). Her project is the following: "Implementation of the Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPSplex) methodology for the optimisation of the genetic identification of victims of the Spanish Civil War".

November 2021


August 2021


July 2021


May 2021

  • Eva Granizo Rodríguez is doing a doctoral internship at the Arizona State University (ASU) in Tempe, Arizona, (US). Her Proyect is the following: "Evolución de Mycobacterium tuberculosis en poblaciones prehistóricas e históricas de la Península Ibérica"

March 2021


Research and Congress Awards 2019-2022

July 2022

  • Dr. Endika Prieto-Fernández has been awarded the Ramón y Cajal grant.


September 2019

  • Wiley Poster Prize at the 1thInternational Symposium on Humanitarian Forensic Action: Forensic Best Practices and Principles for Preventing and Resolving the Missing. Genetic identification of human remains from victims of the Spanish Civil war and posterior dictatorship: the state of art. Baeta M, Raffone C, Nuñez C, Granizo E, Palencia-Madrid L, Cardoso S, Herrasti L, Etxeberria F, de Pancorbo MM. Poster Presentation.

February 2019

  • Prof. Dr. Marian M. de Pancorbo received the H2 award one of the ten prizes awarded by twenty anniversary of Teknopolis from Elhuyar Foundation.

Doctorate Thesis 2019-2022

April 2022

  • Melania Julieta Rosique Sola defended her doctoral thesis at Lascaray Research Center of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), defended with distinction her thesis entitled "Enriquecimiento de células madre del compartimento mesenquimal del folículo piloso humano occipital, y diseño de medios inductores de osteogénesis para su futura aplicación en terapia celular".

  • Tamara Kleinbielen defended her doctoral thesis at Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), defended with summa cum laude her thesis entitled "Descubrimiento de nuevas dianas terapéuticas en cáncer de mama basado en el análisis de metilación del ARNm".

March 2022

  • David Gamarra Fernández defended his doctoral thesis at Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), defended with summa cum laude his thesis entitled "Genetic characterization and gene expression associated with fatty acid profile in cattle".

January 2022

  • Tamara Kleinbielen has deposited her doctoral thesis at Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU): "Descubrimiento de nuevas dianas terapéuticas en cáncer de mama basado en el análisis de metilación del ARNm".

April 2019

  • Patricia Villaescusa Urbaneja defended her doctoral thesis at Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), defended with summa cum laude her thesis entitled "New insights in the paternal genetic landscape of Southwestern Europe: dissection of haplogroup r1b-m269 and forensic applications".


Master Thesis 2019-2022

Course 2020-2021

  • Silvia Martín Fernández de Labastida:Association between nutrient intake related to the one carbon metabolism and colorectal cancer: a case-control study in the Basque Country” // Marian M. de Pancorbo, Marta Arroyo Izaga // Sobresaliente 9.

  • María Teresa Perelló Trias: “Identificación de especies animales a partir de restos arqueológicos” // Marian M. de Pancorbo, Andrés López Oceja // Sobresaliento 9,5.

  • Ruth Moreira Pulido: Identificación genética y diagnóstico de relaciones de parentesco en la raza de Perro Pastor Vasco autóctono del País Vasco” // Marian M. de Pancorbo, Maite Álvarez Álvarez // Sobresaliento 9,5.


Course 2019-2020

  • Andrea Giner Grau: “Founder effect in neurodegenerative diseases” // Marian M. de Pancorbo, Marta Inés Saloña Bordas.

  • Belén Navarro López: “Review of genetic heritage in Europe by Y-chromosome haplogroups” // Marian M. de Pancorbo, Eva Granizo-Rodriguez, Caterina Raffone.

  • Dairen Recio Iglesias: “Forensic Molecular Entomology” // Marian M. de Pancorbo, Marta Inés Saloña, Tamara Kleinbielen, Andrés López Oceja.

  • Mayra Larissa García Ramírez: “Revisiting main identification procedures directed to molecular genetics techniques on massive disasters” // Marian M. de Pancorbo, Miriam Baeta, Caterina Raffone, Leire Palencia // Sobresaliente 9,5.

Official Appointments 2019-2022

June 2021

  • Prof. Dr. Marian M. de Pancorbo nomined as Member of Directive Board of COBE (Basque Official College of Biologists).


April 2021​

  • Prof. Dr. Marian M. de Pancorbo nomined as Secretary of Cell and Molecular Biology area of Academia ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation).

Papers recently published

A great work of the Group and in particular of the first authors who have been Miriam Baeta, Leire Palencia-Madrid, Patricia Villaescusa, Tamara Kleinbielen, David Gamarra, Caterina Raffone and Belén Navarro being MM de Pancorbo the corresponding author of the most of following articles. Below, we list some of the recently published articles (2019-2022), as well as the DOI and PMID:

  • Navarro-López B, Baeta M, Granizo-Rodríguez E, et al. Development and validation of a new multiplex for upgrading Y-STRs population databases from 12 to 23 markers and its forensic casework application. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):21734. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-25785-z. PMID: 36526709.

  • Kleinbielen T, Olasagasti F, Azcarate D, et al. In silico identification and in vitro expression analysis of breast cancer-related m6A-SNPs. Epigenetics. 2022;17(13):2144-2156. doi:10.1080/15592294.2022.2111137. PMID: 35971775.

  • Palencia-Madrid L, Baeta M, Kleinbielen T, et al. Post-Austronesian migrational wave of West Polynesians to Micronesia. Gene. 2022;823:146357. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2022.146357. PMID: 35189246.

  • Gamarra D, Aldai N, Arakawa A, de Pancorbo MM, Taniguchi M. Effect of a genetic polymorphism in SREBP1 on fatty acid composition and related gene expression in subcutaneous fat tissue of beef cattle breeds. Anim Sci J. 2021;92(1):e13521. doi:10.1111/asj.13521. PMID:33554418. Q2

  • Raffone C, Baeta M, Lambacher N, Granizo-Rodríguez E, Etxeberria F, de Pancorbo MM. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may influence DNA preservation in skeletal remains: A review. Forensic Sci Int. 2021;325:110859. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2021.110859. PMID: 34098475. Q2

  • Navarro-López B, Granizo-Rodríguez E, Palencia-Madrid L, Raffone C, Baeta M, de Pancorbo MM. Phylogeographic review of Y chromosome haplogroups in Europe. Int J Legal Med. 2021;135(5):1675-1684. doi:10.1007/s00414-021-02644-6. PMID: 34216266. Q1

  • Baeta M, Prieto-Fernández E, Núñez C, et al. Study of 17 X-STRs in Native American and Mestizo populations of Central America for forensic and population purposes. Int J Legal Med. 2021;135(5):1773-1776. doi:10.1007/s00414-021-02536-9. PMID: 33742257. Q1

  • Luis JR, Palencia-Madrid L, Mendoza VC, Garcia-Bertrand R, de Pancorbo MM, Herrera RJ. The Y chromosome of autochthonous Basque populations and the Bronze Age replacement. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):5607. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-84915-1. PMID: 33692401. Q1

  • Vado Y, Puras G, Rosique M, et al. Design and Validation of a Process Based on Cationic Niosomes for Gene Delivery into Novel Urine-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Pharmaceutics. 2021;13(5):696. doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics13050696. PMID: 34064902. Q1

  • Kleinbielen T, Palencia-Madrid L, Garcia-Ibarbia C, Ortiz F, Riancho JA, M de Pancorbo M. Association of LCT -13910C>T polymorphism and hip fracture in a cohort of older adult population from Northern Spain. Gene. 2021;783:145560. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2021.145560. PMID: 33705808. Q2

  • Palencia-Madrid L, Vinueza-Espinosa D, Baeta M, Rocandio AM, de Pancorbo MM. Validation of a 52-mtSNP minisequencing panel for haplogroup classification of forensic DNA samples. Int J Legal Med. 2020;134(3):929-936. doi:10.1007/s00414-020-02264-6. PMID: 32030455. Q1

  • Villaescusa P, Palencia-Madrid L, Campaner MA, et al. Effective resolution of the Y chromosome sublineages of the Iberian haplogroup R1b-DF27 with forensic purposes. Int J Legal Med. 2019;133(1):17-23. doi:10.1007/s00414-018-1936-z. PMID: 30229332. Q1

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By BIOMCs Research Group

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